
Curriculum Year 10 – 12


The Senior Years are from Years 10-12. During these years the responsibilities shift increasingly from the teacher to the learner, as students become young adults who are making decisions directly related to their future pathways.

Each Year 10, 11 and 12 home group will have a teacher who is involved with the senior curriculum. The home group focus will be around study skills, pastoral care and career planning, with an overarching focus on time management.

In Years 10-12 the development of essential skills of inquiry are prioritised. As students embark on SACE completion they develop their 7 capabilities:

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Personal and social
  • Ethical understanding
  • Intercultural understanding

The curriculum has considerable flexibility catering for individual needs. All students have the opportunity to choose subjects and / or industry training which will best position their future needs as workers and community citizens.

South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) completion, including Vocational, Education Training (VET) options, provide a comprehensive range of learning opportunities. Tertiary education opportunities are publicised and counselled including the undertaking of tertiary subjects as part of SACE completion.
Close contact is maintained with local, regional and state-wide employer groups and training providers to employ school leavers.

School Based Apprenticeships (part school / part work) exist for approved students.

Subjects are aligned on a line timetable system of 50 minute lessons, which may include study lessons. The majority of subjects are taught face to face i.e. teacher and students in the same room for five lessons.

Year 10


Full Year


Full Year


Full Year



Health & Physical Education


Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF)


Semester Electives (5)

Arts – Visual & Performing

Technologies – Metal, Wood & CAD

Physical Education



Home Economics

Outdoor Ed

Resources and student numbers will determine final subject offerings.

Year 11 & 12

In Year 11 and 12 some subjects may be received via other schools and teachers such as MNSEC (Mid North Schools Education Cooperative) or in alternative delivery modes.

Stage 1 of SACE commences in Year 10, with the Exploring Identities & Futures (EIF).

Stage 2 of SACE commences in Year 11 with the Research Project (preceded by Research Practices).

Our subject list is indicative of current student interests. Changes to offerings are based upon student selection at subject counselling, associated numbers and resources available. Subjects may be a full year or semester enrolment.

Stage 1 and 2 Subject offerings

Art: Design

Visual Art


Food & Hospitality


Research Project




Media Studies

Community Studies

Physical Education

Outdoor Ed

Creative Arts

Research Practices

Technologies – Metal, Wood, IPP

Child Studies

Material Products - Wood

Material Products - Metal

Arts – Creative Arts

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)


  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Mathematical Methods
  • General Mathematics
  • Essential Mathematics

English –

  • English
  • Essential English

Information Processing & Publishing

Resources and student numbers will determine final subject offerings.

If the EIF has not been passed in Year 11 it must be completed in Year 12.


Year 12 students and those who are completing a VET pathway in Year 10 or 11, are involved in our mentoring system. Teachers volunteer their time to enable this initiative. Teacher support is given in: advocacy, time management, personal organisation and general well-being.
Students are involved in the selection of their mentors based around their school commitments.


Completing Year 12 is a significant achievement that is highly regarded. Jamestown Community School recognises this and organises several events to celebrate this occasion.
At the conclusion of the school year a graduation dinner is held and is organised in collaboration with the year 12s. This event highlights the student-teacher relationships, the challenges and highlights. Parents, Year 12 students and teachers are invited to attend the evening.
The last day of Year 12 is acknowledged with a breakfast prepared by the teaching staff for the students and a graduation assembly.
Year 12 graduation, academic excellence and commitment are formally acknowledged at our Presentation Night where a range of awards are presented.